Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Update of "Best Screenshots+Stories" Event Prize

Since the lacking of submissions and tomorrow is already deadline, the prize is changed to get things more interesting. Now there can only be 1 winner with the grand prize: 275Rubies, 150Garnets, 275Cat's, 150Topaz which I believe can give around 17k Exp if you are in trader job and 8.5M Ducats profits if the winner decide to sell them(+fames ofcourse). Currently there's only 1 submission in and none in forum.

- Kirlian -

' Fire Up! '

Friday, March 25, 2011

It's Epic SeaFeud + 2x Exp now!

Event 1:  Epic Sea Feud

-    Target Port : Hamburg Port (off the coast of Jutland Peninsula, the North Sea)

-    1st Round: March 25 (Fri) 23:00~ March 26 (Sat) 2:00 GMT+9

-    2nd Round: March 26 (Sat) 23:00~ March 27 (Sun) 2:00 GMT+9

-    3rd Round: March 27 (Sun) 23:00~ March 28 (Mon) 2:00 GMT+9
Event 2:  2X EXP 

-    March 25 16:00 ~ March 28 16:00 GMT+9

-    2X EXP in celebration of Epic Sea Feud
Event 3:  Epic Sea Feud Support

-    March 25 16:00 ~ March 28 16:00 GMT+9

-    50% less consumption of water and food while sailing 

-    +1 to Battle Skills except shipbuilding skills (Guard, Assault, Gunnery, Ballistics, 

     Accuracy, Reloading, Penetration, Gunfire, Tactics, Mine laying, Swordplay)
-    100% success rate for Body Language skill
     ※ The body language skill proficiency will not improve during this period.


☞  March 25 16:00 ~ March 28 2:00 GMT+9

        - Players can put restriction of nations when opening a bazaar.

        - The target port cannot be invested.

☞  The schedule may vary due to unexpected circumstances
☞  Offensive nation and its allies cannot enter the port of Hamburg during the battle 
☞  The rewards will vary depending on the influence status of the nations. 
      ※ Nation with weaker power receives more rewards.

It's time for NEWS company shots!

Since the last screenshot event was sorta failure(few people showing up), let's try it once again! I've been observing that NEWS hit the most online members around 22:00 - 24:00(GMT+9 server time), so let's gather altogether around that time. I understand it would be difficult for some people to make it because of different timezones but I hope everyone can be there. There's no exact date when we're going to do this, so just online around those hours and if we're going to do it, we will meet at Genoa 5th Company House. Thanks all for the cooperation and understanding!

' It's not us but isn't something like this will look nice on our profile? more here

- Kirlian -

Thursday, March 24, 2011

NEWS Event "Best NEWS Screenshots + Stories" Competition

To celebrate the first successful team-work of producing company contribution items, NEWS held an appreciation competition-like event to its members!! 

" Best Screenshots + Stories "
Shoot the best pictures and tell the best stories behind them. Everything regarding the life of NEWS or its members in UWO world, let it be captured in frame and described with words!

When it's finished, send it all to or post it on forum inside NEWS BSS Event with a clear your own IGN name on it. 

Event started since March 24,2011 and ended on March 31,2011. Then NEWS will select up some of the best selections and open up a poll at the end to let everyone vote for the winners. The winners will be decided by the majority of the votes. There will be 3 winners which are :

  • Grand Prize = 150 Cat's eyes, 50 Topaz, 150 Rubies, 50 Garnets
  • Second Prize = 75 Cat's eyes, 50 Topaz, 75 Rubies, 50 Garnets
  • Third Prize = 50 Cat's eyes, 50 Topaz, 50 Rubies, 50 Garnets

So start take the shots and claim your rewards!!

South Africa Trip Pics

Once again thanks to all people that participated in collecting and delivering contribution items mats. NEWS have fun!!!

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Contribution items are ready!

After days of gathering materials and making tools, finally we have all the contribution items needed for delivery! If you haven't contributed for this month or don't have the items, please look for Kirlian or BQ to get 56 master carpentry tools to deliver this month. 

Current members that have done all deliveries are : Kirlian, BQ, Samsara, Smoczzy, Sin, DK, Boen, nanasaki, gankerjames, wildhazerd, strawberry, HIRO, Edis, cnm, Grevious, Capap, Aridela. Rest of members that haven't delivered please find a time to get the items and deliver so we can get official best company award next month. Thanks all!

    ' resting after hard works '
- Kirlian -

Join NEWS First Event Ever!

It's a bit sudden but since we already have all the mats to make the contribution items, today let's all gather at Genoa No.5th Company House. Smoc is going to produce the items and after we got it, everyone can go straight to deliver. It's also a good timing to take all NEWS members screenshots, so I decided to move the event forward. It's going to be fun!

- Kirlian -

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

NEWS Forum comes!

After observing and searching for night & day, finally I'm able to add a forum here. Now everyone can post topics, threads or uploading screenshots there without going through email anymore. Just scrolling to the bottom of the site and you'll find the forum there. 

Enjoy it everyone!

- Kirlian -

Contribution items of the month

This month contribution items are as listed :

  1. 14 Master Carpentry Tools - 5pts
  2. 1 Fine Velvet - 5pts
  3. 1 Poseidon - 4pts
  4. 3 Alchemist's Tarot - 4pts
  5. 1 Amulet of Virgin Mary - 3pts

You can choose which items to be delivered and it's also repeatable. Each person can deliver up to four times which brings max 20 points and min 12 points for everyone. Delivery items can be done at any company office in any towns. Please do contribute and many thanks!

- Kirlian -

BQ says

^_^ im soo cute and hi to all im BQ _fyona real name ^_^ nice to meet you all and nice game here its fun ^_^

Monday, March 21, 2011

NEWS First Post!

Hello everyone, I'm Kirlian of NEWS

First of all I'd like to say thank you for every members of NEWS that the company is growing rapidly each day and NEWS almost reach limit of max members soon. So I feel the need to create a place for NEWS outside game because I believe more people will join us soon and it's good to have a place to exchange ideas, sharing guides, post screenshots etc. I hope this site can add more spice(pepper!) to the fun we already have in game.

So when you have any ideas or suggestions, feel free to say it here or you can also mail to NEWS official mail at Please drop by more to say hi. Thanks!

- Kirlian -