Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Conquering the barmaids! Part 1

Barmaids is one of the features that I found pretty fun to exploit in UWO. I wish they have more functions inside the game than just reporting quests or trash can for shitty items. Perhaps like giving rare quests, spying other nations development or full fatiques recovery service (hehe). Anyway I found out that the conversations with them will change with the level of our relationship with them. For example, a few days ago when I was in Calicut, barkeep said to me something like this..

It's new to me coz usually barkeep only say," It seems *insert barmaid's name* really likes you." Since then this become sorta another mini-game for me inside, I try to bring more gifts to them when I visit certain towns hoping the relationship and conversations can develop further. 

So if you like to join me in this, when u met some interesting conversations with the barmaids, u can take a screenshot and mail it to

Explore, Flirt, and Conquer to Make Babies!

- Kirlian -


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