Wednesday, November 23, 2011

NEWS Colony Established!

That's our company pioneer city, New England D landing point aka Boston, coordinates 13191,3029. It's around 20-24 days sailing straight west from Porto. So what's inside?

Empty land..
The goal is to build this place into a town.
Add buildings will cost some cash and lumbers/stones.
No bank nearby so preparation is needed.
Every member can add a building in one period(5 hours).
So the development will be faster if everyone participate daily in constructing the town.
Once we get a bank in town, we will get +5 vault slots.

Each person can register up to 3 other company colonies personally.
You can register by clicking on the company member character's information and there will be register option to choose.
Once you registered, you can access his company colony town.
*Advise : Choose a company that will develop the colony seriously.
I have registered TheFlyingDutchman company. I recommend him if you don't know which company colony to choose. His company is one of the oldest one in UWO and has many veterans there, so I believe they will develop the colony nicely.

TA Update Arrives!

NM has released the official info about TA which you can check from this ATLANTIC.
  • Louvre Museum(Paris) - Major showroom is limited to 60 spots(1 player each) and will charge fee. Exhibition period based on amount of fee you paid. Others can steal your spot if they paid the fee you set for your exhibit.
  • Paris can be accessed by carriage at Marseille square, Florence' at Pisa.
  • 2 main new features in the update are cultural contribution(Paris) and industrial contribution(Florence).
  • 6 new ships available to build at "Company Pioneer City" aka Frontier Town.
  • 4 towns have been changed into allied towns : Antwerp, Santo Domingo, Ceuta, Goa.
  • Several jobs have been added with a new skill which you can check at below picture 

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Tierra Americana Comes!

All of sudden from nowhere, NM will throw us the fifth patch of UWO tomorrow which is 'Tierra Americana'.

It's quite a surprise because originally it comes after East Asia patch but now we will skip EA and get TA first.

Not easy to find english information about TA because even at japs server, it's still quite new. Just released this year.

I manage to find a site that will give some information about TA which u can check here.(It's just a reference, what NM release might be different updates)

*I found TA map from tw wiki. Check it here

One of the new features that will come is 'Frontier Towns'. It's basically a town that can be claimed by each company, like private farm.

After we claim a town, we can develop it so the town can grow and eventually more features inside will be unlocked. Beside our own town, we can only access 3 other towns which we register. There are total 8 towns available to choose. Each has slightly different location and characteristic. 

The other promising feature is definitely shipyard where new ships will be unlocked when the town reached certain ranks. There is also a new reinforcement feature that has similar function as improvement.

Anyway, all this is still theory and no idea how it actually works.

Are we happy about this patch? 

I can't say myself, but it's definitely better than that lame thanksgiving event.

Monday, November 21, 2011

Contribution for 15 Nov - 14 Dec

Our contribution item for this month is Money Chest.

It's quite easy to make and gives 5 points.

Here you can check how and where to make the money chest.

If you can't make the items, send me a mail or tell me directly inside game, I will prepare more of the items for you to deliver.

And also, our company house will be rank 4 next month and we can get the superior company membership title.

So, please do contribute, thanks!

Sunday, November 20, 2011

What are you up to lately ?

Lately, I've met a new girl, local gem.
Xochitl is her name.
She's different from other girls I have been flirting so far.
What's the different ?
Well...let's say that she repeatedly saying she's going to kill me...and from her eyes, 
I can see she's very serious about it.
But that's what makes her so interesting and so I decide to risk my life for her...numerously.
Fortunately, my efforts all not wasted.
She falls for me..and she wants to leave her village to be with me forever.

But...true love never comes easy.
She has a long-time stalker, a neighbor of her, and he happens to be the strongest warrior in the tribe.
He forbids her to leave the village.
I know..I know..I'm the great swordmaster, Dante.
But I never take my enemy lightly and no exception for this primitive guy.
So I make a plan...
I send a challenge letter to him.
He takes it as a death-match.
Of course I have intention to fight him too...but not alone.

So we meet on that fated day.
He comes alone with his pride and pervert eyes on my girl, Xochitl.
But those eyes suddenly surprised by what he sees!

I have called my crews to fight him too!
And they are not just some normal crews. 
They are sailors that have not been getting laid for years.
Now they see this skinny, healthy, sun-tanned foreign boy in front of them.
No one can restrain their desire for lust even a kraken.
So I win easily without moving any of my muscles at all.
Things not going well for him and his pride I care.

Me and Xochitl live happily ever after.
I take her to Machupichu for our honeymoon.

Life in UWO is beautiful after all.

What about you?
What are you up to lately in UWO?
Share your experiences, stories or pictures with us and send them to

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Friday, July 15, 2011

Conquering the barmaids! Part 5 aka 'Old Boy'

After months of waiting, the infamous Grevious finally sent his personal records to us and here are some of the pictures. I don't know what 'things' have he done to those barmaids but they seem can't get enough of him and Lothario even sent him a love letter.

...and Christina looking for some snow flower, anyone know where to get it?

- Kirlian -

Friday, July 1, 2011

Conquering the barmaids part 4 aka reaping the fruits!

So you all think this place is already a graveyard ? only zombies hanging around here ? NO!! We are working hard out there to please all the barmaids in the world and Venus bless, we are getting some results now.

Here are some of new funny, interesting and exciting comments from those lovely barmaids that we found!

ps : Congratz for Cere & Wayra to born the first human-pixel baby in history of UWO. (no more stalking for you)

- Kirlian -

Monday, June 6, 2011

Conquering the barmaids Sub Part - 1

Meet T'ika, the lovely of Lima

please bring this puppy some pizzas if you pass Lima.

- Kirlian -

Saturday, June 4, 2011

Conquering the barmaids Part 3 (More Pics)

While working for nation in Rio lately, it's inevitable that I will get closer to the local barmaid, Giselle. She's a cute one with her dark skin and colorful small dress. Her curly hair makes her even cuter. But sadly, I always look at her as some 15-years old teen. Still, she has fallen for me and that is one thing I can't help about.

- Kirlian -

Friday, May 27, 2011

Conquering the barmaids Part 2 + First Ghost Ships Fight !!

Sorry for this place becoming graveyard lately, I've beaten the ghosts though so things will get lively here in the future...I hope

New fact bout Barmaids : With persuasion skill, we can tell them tales of adventure which is the discoveries we found. It will increase the relationship too. Can use scent of captivation(the blueish pot) if you don't have persuasion skill(I bet most people don't). So tell them some stories 'bout the greatness of Alexander or the Arabians 1001 night dream tales or perhaps Kamasutra mmm..mmm they'd love it.

And finally I've met these forsaken ghost ships wandering near Nassau, well..they ambush people. Pretty tough ones, 278 attack melee and they fire skulls at your ships. Nice exp though, by the way, there's a 10 star quest in Santo Domingo that need to fight 10 ghost ships(AoS won't work for the quest). Anyone like to have fun(aka suicide) can contact me in game.

- Kirlian -

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Conquering the barmaids! Part 1

Barmaids is one of the features that I found pretty fun to exploit in UWO. I wish they have more functions inside the game than just reporting quests or trash can for shitty items. Perhaps like giving rare quests, spying other nations development or full fatiques recovery service (hehe). Anyway I found out that the conversations with them will change with the level of our relationship with them. For example, a few days ago when I was in Calicut, barkeep said to me something like this..

It's new to me coz usually barkeep only say," It seems *insert barmaid's name* really likes you." Since then this become sorta another mini-game for me inside, I try to bring more gifts to them when I visit certain towns hoping the relationship and conversations can develop further. 

So if you like to join me in this, when u met some interesting conversations with the barmaids, u can take a screenshot and mail it to

Explore, Flirt, and Conquer to Make Babies!

- Kirlian -

Sunday, April 24, 2011

cnm crash into Galleass!!!

The famous lost Antelope galleass shipwreck found by cnm. Awesome stuff!!

Friday, April 15, 2011

It's April 15th and time for company contribution again!

Thanks for everyone's cooperation and contribution for the past month that NEWS is able to continue stay at Top 1st place in Genoa. And for this, NEWS has been rewarded with vault commission aid feature for the next 30days. It means every time you store something in vault, some of the fees that you have to pay will be returned back to you, about 20% or so.

About the rank, I have some updates. As we can see left below, our current company performance is 1 star. We get a star each month if we are the top company for the past month. 

And to get another rank for our company house, we need 3 stars which means another 2 stars or 2 times being the top company.

So once again, it's important to contribute the most points each month so we can continue stay as top company in Genoa and get our next rank. We've done pretty well last month, total contribution last month is 408 points which is about 70 points gap between us and the 2nd place company. 

Let's get to the point then. After reviewing the list of this month contribution items, tributes would be the best option to contribute. It's easy to make though will cost a little. 18 tributes is needed for each delivery which make 72 tributes of total deliveries for each member.

We will discuss the best way to provide tributes inside game and when we have a plan, I hope everyone can participate. Also, couple players quit company or even the game this month but there are also more new recruits came in. It's common that people come and go, but it's important that we stay as one and don't get distracted or discouraged by this. Only by going through this, NEWS will become stronger and united.

- Kirlian -

Friday, April 1, 2011

NEWS staying at Genoa!

         No.5 Genoa Company House will belong to NEWS for a long long time.

"Best Screenshots+Stories" Selections

gankerjames "Seafeud"


Zeol "Jump"


Sinonmyface "SinonThis"


Smoczzy "Fishing Contest"

Some time ago i made a decision to train fishing a bit. It took me some time to find perfect spot for me but i finally found it. It was small gulf near Las Palmas.
When i arrive there i found out it's favourite place for few more fisherman. One of them proposed to make small fishing contest - first one who catches a swordfish wins. The reward was ofc fame and kiss from prettiest bar girl in whole world.
Cause all of the contesters were skilled fisherman I figured out that i need to be little bit smarter than them.
First of all i send my Aide to play some poker with sailors on their ship - cause he's a excellent player known as "Poker Face Siegfried" he didn't have problem with winning all their money what caused wave of frustration on both ships.

Meanwhile I've delivered some poisoned meat to third ship as a resupply for their provisions. Result was easy to predict, plague has killed most of sailors what increased my chances for wining.
Just to make sure Gill won't beat me in contest i threw few rats on his board.
After some time of fishing nearly all contestors were sure they will be winners so i started praying to Poseidon to send ultimate storm ... he answered me with rain ... i felt disappointed but this ran was strong enough to discourage few other contesters to further fishing. and so they started disappearing one after one ...
When only two fisherman left at the tournament field suddenly my fishing line pulled so hard that i need to send all my crew to drug this huge fish on deck.

VICTORY !!! we cought a swordfish !


Whole story is just fiction created only for fun.


Samsara "Pretty Flowers"


Grevious "Untitled"

Vote for the best one you like!

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Update of "Best Screenshots+Stories" Event Prize

Since the lacking of submissions and tomorrow is already deadline, the prize is changed to get things more interesting. Now there can only be 1 winner with the grand prize: 275Rubies, 150Garnets, 275Cat's, 150Topaz which I believe can give around 17k Exp if you are in trader job and 8.5M Ducats profits if the winner decide to sell them(+fames ofcourse). Currently there's only 1 submission in and none in forum.

- Kirlian -

' Fire Up! '

Friday, March 25, 2011

It's Epic SeaFeud + 2x Exp now!

Event 1:  Epic Sea Feud

-    Target Port : Hamburg Port (off the coast of Jutland Peninsula, the North Sea)

-    1st Round: March 25 (Fri) 23:00~ March 26 (Sat) 2:00 GMT+9

-    2nd Round: March 26 (Sat) 23:00~ March 27 (Sun) 2:00 GMT+9

-    3rd Round: March 27 (Sun) 23:00~ March 28 (Mon) 2:00 GMT+9
Event 2:  2X EXP 

-    March 25 16:00 ~ March 28 16:00 GMT+9

-    2X EXP in celebration of Epic Sea Feud
Event 3:  Epic Sea Feud Support

-    March 25 16:00 ~ March 28 16:00 GMT+9

-    50% less consumption of water and food while sailing 

-    +1 to Battle Skills except shipbuilding skills (Guard, Assault, Gunnery, Ballistics, 

     Accuracy, Reloading, Penetration, Gunfire, Tactics, Mine laying, Swordplay)
-    100% success rate for Body Language skill
     ※ The body language skill proficiency will not improve during this period.


☞  March 25 16:00 ~ March 28 2:00 GMT+9

        - Players can put restriction of nations when opening a bazaar.

        - The target port cannot be invested.

☞  The schedule may vary due to unexpected circumstances
☞  Offensive nation and its allies cannot enter the port of Hamburg during the battle 
☞  The rewards will vary depending on the influence status of the nations. 
      ※ Nation with weaker power receives more rewards.